Odjel za povijest

Academic staff

Professor Anamarija Kurilić, PhD

ancient history, archaeology, epigraphy, family and gender history
e-mail: anamarija.kurilic@zd.t-com.hr


Professor Ante Bralić, PhD

Croatian 19th century history 
e-mail: abralic@unizd.hr


Professor Milorad Pavić, PhD

early modern history, historical geography
e-mail: mpavic@unizd.hr


Associate professor Mateo Bratanić, PhD (Vice Head of Department)

19th century history, maritime history of the 19th and early 20th century, sailing ships to steamships transfer and how it impacted maritime communities, Mediterranean history, British contacts with eastern Adriatic through history, theory of history
e-mail: bratanic@unizd.hr


Associate professor Sanda Uglešić, PhD

methodics of history teaching
e-mail: suglesic@unizd.hr


Professor Kristijan Juran, PhD

early modern history

e-mail: kjuran@unizd.hr

Associate professor Valentina Šoštarić, PhD

Croatian medieval history

e-mail: vzovko@unizd.hr


Associate professor Zrinka Serventi, MA

ancient history

e-mail: z.serventi@gmail.com

Assistant professor Branko Kasalo, PhD
  Late modern history, Contemporary history 
e-mail: kasalo.branko@gmail.com


Associate professor Zlatko Begonja, PhD, Head of Department
Croatian 20th Century history
e-mail: zbegonja@unizd.hr

Postdoctoral researcher Petra Vručina, e-mail: pvrucina@unizd.hr

Assistant Marin Banović, mag. educ. hist., e - mail: mbanovic121@gmail.com

Assistant Luka Knez, mag. educ. hist., e - mail: knezluka195@gmail.com

Assistant Filip Lenić, mag. educ. hist., e-mail: flenic@unizd.hr

Assistant Krešimir Baljkas, mag. educ. hist., e-mail: kbaljkas23@unizd.hr